Circles & Your Organisation

Our Training Programmes

Are you supporting people who are looking for ways to keep involved with the things that matter to them, exploring new opportunities and ways to connect? Are you a commissioner or development worker wanting to build such approaches as part of prevention or asset- based strategies?

At Community Circles we have been evolving and developing our approaches both before and during the pandemic, into many forms of “Circle” that enable people to connect and contribute in their communities. Our work is part of a wider range of “asset-based approaches” starting to radically change both social and health care.

Our range of programmes and courses will support you to explore using person centred approaches and tools to find out what matters to people and creative ways to enable what is practical and possible for keeping people connected and safe.

Our Courses


Community Circles partner with a variety of organisations and local authorities to share our learning, provide bespoke support and embed community and person centred ways of working.

We work together with our partners to explore what success looks like and tailor our support to achieve that together.

Connections with Purpose and Meaning

Course participants will learn how:

  • A range of community and person-centred approaches delivered via various types of “Community Circle” can help support older people to access connections with purpose and meaning to them and develop community opportunities to grow these connections.
  • A range of effective tools and approaches can be applied in practice, adding value to what you do including via use of communications technology

Inclusion for Older Citizens Through COVID & Beyond

What will you learn?

Following this course you can get started making a difference straight away. Course participants will learn how:

  •   A range of community and person-centred approaches delivered via various types of “Community Circle” can help support older people to access connections with purpose and meaning to them and develop community opportunities to grow these connections
  •   To successfully develop and start to apply a range of effective approaches which don’t require major resources but which can increase your impact in building connections and opportunities
  • ·A range of effective tools and approaches can be applied in practice, adding value to what you do including via use of communications technology

Inclusion for Citizens with Learning Disabilities through COVID and Beyond

What will you learn?

Following this course you can get started making a difference straight away. Course participants will learn how:

  •  A range of community and person-centred approaches delivered via various types of “Community Circle” can help support people to access connections with purpose and meaning to them and develop community opportunities to grow these connections
  •  To successfully develop and start to apply a range of effective approaches which don’t require major resources but which can increase your impact in building connections and opportunities
  • A range of effective tools and approaches can be applied in practice, adding value to what you do including via use of communications technology

Thriving People, Connected Places

What will you learn?

Following this course you can get started making a difference straight away. Course participants will learn how:

  •  Community and person-centred approaches can support extra care housing settings to offer great opportunities for connections and purpose to residents and build thriving community hubs
  •  Staff and residents can be supported to play effective roles in building great extra care communities
  • Effective tools and approaches can be applied in practice
  • Community resources can be accessed to the benefit of extra care residents and in making a real local contribution

Living a Full Life

What will you learn?

Following this course you can get started making a difference straight away. Course participants will learn how:

  •   A range of community and person-centred approaches delivered via various types of “Community Circle” can help support people to access connections with purpose and meaning to them and grow community opportunities to grow these connections
  •   To successfully develop and start to apply a range of effective approaches which don’t require major resources but which can increase your impact in building connections and opportunities
  • ·A range of effective tools and approaches can be applied in practice, adding value to what you do including via use of communications technology